SubLab feature requests thread!

Hey @kidstretch, the beta for macOS is ready and we’re doing the Windows version tomorrow and sending both out. If you want to send a mail to with the title “From Forum, want to beta test” we’ll add you to the list.

@Ferro, you can use the up/down keys to do it. Try that and see how it goes. We can add buttons, but first give the up/down arrow keys a go.


I second the suggestion in the very first post to give us a way to rotate the phase of the sample loaded into the Sampler, to enable us to bring any lower frequency fundamentals in a Sample into phase coherence with the Synth and X-Sub waveforms.

I know y’all had the original design intent that the Synth and/or X-Sub would handle the sub region and the Sampler would be used mainly for 808-style transient clicks and thumps (in which case any need for phase alignment would be moot). But there are some of us who might be crazy enough to use the Sampler for a “sub” waveform of some sort–or a “bass top” that still has some sub frequencies lurking inside–and to want to layer such waveforms with the Synth and X-Sub. In these use cases, it’s crucial to be able to delay or advance the phase of the Sampler waveform to bring its lower frequency fundamentals into phase coherence with your Synth and X-Sub waveforms.

Hey @Baphometrix,

With the latest beta 1.1.1 we have improved the way the X-Sub and Synth reset their phase when you enable “Reset Phase” to be on via the settings drop menu on the top bar.

With the phase fixed on both the X-Sub and Synth and resetting to 0 every new note, you can then delay the sample start time using the “delay” on the sampler panel. I think that will allow you achieve what you’re describing? The phase of X-Sub and the Synth are fixed then you can slide the sample start time in relation to them both to achieve the best setting so the synth and sampler are in phase coherence.


Hi @Gavin_FAW, Yes, tested phase alignment thoroughly on the VST3 version of 1.1.1 in Bitwig Studio with a parallel instrument layer running two instances of SubLab and multi-input oscilloscope looking at the sampler-only instance in one color and looking at the X-Sub-only layer in another color. The Delay setting on the Sampler works perfectly to get the phases lined up perfectly!

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Would love to see a separate noise oscillator with its own envelope for sharper attack on purely synthesized subs.

Still awaiting Sublab finetuning!
As of now must design and export as audio then adjust to match some music I work on… would be amazing to be able to add SubLab’s directly to the workflow in such occasions and design with fine tune of sub and synth oscillators

@Treaphort it is in the backlog of feature request we keep. Definitely upcoming!

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+1000 for Pitch Bend Range! There’s no way to specify how far ± you want the Pitch Bend to go! This is huge for Subdrops guys…±24 like Serum is absolutely the way to go for great flexibility! (and also compatibility with amazing controllers like the Roli Seaboard)


Awesome! Stoked for it :slight_smile:


Hi Gavin,
I’m using 2-in-1 type Laptop with 10 point multi touch.
SubLab is enable multi touch!!
Please update for touch sensitivity going more easy.
In my Laptop, I did touched paramaters but Touch sensitivity is severe…

Thanks for read.


It might be hard for us to test as we don’t have a 2-in-1, but I’ll definitely check if there is an easy parameter to dial down the touch sensitivity. Btw, would be great to have a video of SubLab running on touch screen, if its not too much trouble and would help identify what the problem is.

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Thanks Gavin.
SubLab has Touch sensivity issues,.Example is Mixing Fader.
I thought these reason are Mixing section fader is small and narrow.
If these faders and similar small parameters are little bit bigger, I thought these issues will be solved.
My English is not good.Thanks for read.

I did upload example movie in my Dropbox.

Hey! Thanks for the latest version.

Please do consider adding customizable Pitch Bend to SubLab though. It’s a huge oversight, especially in a bass synth. You’ll get the Roli Seaboard crowd if you can set ±24st (the default for Seaboards), and everybody else who is looking to do big (or smaller!) pitch-slides.

Super important and can’t be that hard to implement I’d imagine as it’s just hard-coded to ±12 rn.


Your right @Ferro, we’ll add this in the next update. We’re just working on Circle2 at the moment but will update the SubLab road map with this as a feature request.

Have you tried using global tuning in the meantime? Maybe you can assign that to a control on the pitch bend wheel on the Seaboard?


  1. the ability to add folders and sub folders of .wav samples to the sample menu, would be nice if it could be done when the plug in is open.

  2. sublab as a effect or at least the x sub and distortion as a effect.

  3. for the loop function to snap to zero crossings.

  4. if the ability to add folders and sub folders is added, simple back and forth arrows should be added to easily cycle through sounds

  5. more wave forms for 808s

Hey @Hitplaybeats,

  1. should be working already, currently snap to zero crossing is always on. You get a ‘+’ and ‘-’ try matching like with like to get the smoothest loops.

  2. Currently you can up/down arrow through the samples. I think this is not that obvious, we’re going to work on making sample management a lot better in the next big update.

Agree on 1, or at least allow to import more that one file at a time. Agree also on 5, more waveforms on the way :wink:

Thanks for the feedback and great to have you on board with SubLab!

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Can you add pitchband range?
Can’t play it with my Seaboard because of the limited PB range

yeah as a type beat producer im more looking at sublab as a simple to use 808 bank and not really as a synth, one idea i also had in that regard is a folder system similar to the way the samplers in studio one behave, so if you add a sample from 1 folder say of 808s, then by tapping the next arrow any time that preset is brought back up it will still be tied to that folder so you can flip through all the sounds in that kit / folder, this way the samples can stay in one place and not have to be duplicated and take up more space in the sublab directory, just a thought dont really know if thats simple or not cuz i know nothing about the dev side of things

@Ploki, we’ve got this one down for the next big release.

@Hitplaybeats, I see what you mean, you want to “Add Folder” and then we scan it and instead of importing in the files, we just point to the folder. I’ll have a look at this as it totally makes sense.

Thanks guys!



That’s exactly what im looking for! If that can be added in another update that would be awesome! Since im a Plugin Boutique affiliate that feature plus a lot of the above will make sublab a easy sell for me :smiley: