Need to reset my id machines

Just need to clear all the machine tied to my sub lab so i can get a new computer in. My laptop got recently stolen.

That’s terrible that your laptop was stolen but glad your back in actions.

If you send a request through to support, @Julia will clear the slots asap if she hasn’t already done so.


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I’ve been waiting 2 days to hear back about resetting my IDs after a simple OS update on two computers. I had 800+ plug-ins transferred with zero issues within a few hours. SubLab is literally the only plug-in that wasn’t reactivated same day. At this point, it is impossible to use SubLab in any serious projects if it takes days to re-activate, when others take minutes. Hopefully they get back to you sooner. All I’ve received is an automated robo-message with no support ticket# or anything. Is “Julia” an actual human?

You sure about that? I’ve been waiting 2+ days…

Hey @deecee212,

We’re always trying to improve support. Did you send the message via If you got a robo-message without a ticket then that sounds like facebook. Let me know how you contacted support and we’ll try and make the messages clearer.

We also have a support request box on the home page.

Thanks for the patience! We’re working on a new system that will remove these issues and allow you to manage your own activations, but t takes a bit of time obviously.


Facebook? Dude, I sent an e-mail to support on Monday and got a robo-message. Just sent another message through that “contact us” box and got the same exact robo-message.

Ok, @deecee212, just had a chat to Julia ( she’s a person not a robot :robot: AI :smiley: ) and if you send through your email to me via pm, she’ll bump you up the list.

The site was down for a server upgrade last week and she has a backlog that she’s working through the past days.

“Sorry, you cannot send a personal message to that user.”

Hey @vazgrm :wave: we already spoke and I’ve reset your code yesterday.

@deecee212 I sent you a DM. Waiting on your info.

For anyone else looking for a reset - please direct your messages to our Support Page. That’s the best way to reach me.