Hi, I hope Julia is listening or monitoring the forum. My Id’s are used up. Had a drive crash and cannot re-auth until the ID’s are cleared. Emailed two days ago and no reset yet. Looks like an auto response email was received back in my inbox saying she would get to it. I don’t think Julia likes me. I need my sub lab back. Please clear my id’s!!!
Hey @koikane,
Julia was out of the office for a few days, we’re back on it
@Julia can you clear the slots if you haven’t already
Having the same exact issue and have yet to receive a response despite emailing their support. All three of my Machine ID’s are activated.
Hey, all of my IDs are currently used up and i sent an email over about it. just waiting to hear back
Hello can you reset my Id’s please
Hey guys,
How are you all now? Do you still need the slots clears?