I've been trying to get help for three weeks now

Hi, I have contacted support multiple times over the past three weeks with no response. I have even tried creating a thread in here four or five days ago, and still no response.

I bought the Sublab XL expansion pack from pluginboutique back in February this year. I am supposed to get all future expansions with it. However, the new expansions are not in my pluginboutique account.

Please note this is not a situation where I can download the bundle as one zip file. On pluginboutique’s website, the packs show up in my account individually. I am only seeing the packs that were available when I originally purchased the expansion bundle.

I was hoping to see the pack bundle listed in my FAW account, but it is not.

Please help me get these packs, as well as the future ones. I appreciate your help.

Same. I’ve been trying to get a refund since Nov. 3, but I haven’t gotten a response even once. I’ve sent a total of 3 emails and nothing.

Many apologies for the delayed response on our end. It’s a very busy time of the year and we’re doing our best to get through a high volume of messages :pray:

@AtroTheRed I just responded to your other thread here.

@ghostofpop could you send me a DM with your email? I’ll put the refund through for you.

Hi, sorry for mentioning you here. But can you check my support request from my email? I haven’t received my sublab xl upgrade and i was charged twice. Thank you.

@Julia can you chase up @xamido support request :smile: