How do I make UK Drill 808s with Sublab?

Pop Smoke - Feeling

Pop Smoke - Dior

These 808s are starting to become extremely popular and I wanted to know how to make them within Sublab.

Hey @EscoSeason,

“Feeling” is an easy one with SubLab.

“Dior”…with this one all you need is to go down real low on the keyboard, around C1/C0 depending on the preset. Also set the blue envelope to zero and adjust the decay time of the blue envelope to around 1.5/2.0 seconds. This will give you that short loud hit and then the decay. I’ll dig into further either tomorrow or day after and see if we can re-create it fully for you :wink:


Thank you so much! @Gavin_FAW

Hey @Gavin_FAW I was just wondering if you were able to get around to re-creating the UK Drill 808?

Hey @EscoSeason, been working on the update last week but will have a look tomorrow for you!


@Gavin_FAW – okay then

Hang on in there @EscoSeason, its on the todo list :slight_smile:

@Gavin_FAW – I’m hanging in there

It’s unfortunate that we can’t post links, but that 808 Melo x CZR Beats - “Half Hearts” track has mesmerizing UK/NY drill 808s.

Hopefully someone comes up with a pack because I’d definitely be willing to purchase those 808s

I think links should work? Is the half hearts track on SoundCloud?

@Gavin_FAW – yes, it’s on the SoundCloud but I get prompted with a “Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.” message.

soundcloud. com/czrbeats/half-hearts-prod-czrbeats-x-808melo_official

@Gavin_FAW – any updates?

Hey @EscoSeason,

I’ve had a look at the settings, seems that new users weren’t allowed to post links. I’ve fixed that just now so your links should show up.

We’re working on a new hits dna pack now, we’ll put one of the Pop Smoke tracks in there and I’ll send you the preset when it is done. How’s that?


That sounds perfect, I just didn’t want to keep harassing you. Probably would’ve been better off just suggesting that you include it in a pack so I’ll definitely look forward to that and the preset. Thank you @Gavin_FAW

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@Gavin_FAW – where the Pop Smoke presets added to the latest Hits Pack?

Bumping this again for a response

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