Sublab presets to Sublab XL

Hello !

I would like to export my presets pack from Sublab to the XL version.
Is it possible at the moment ?
Will it be in the future ?

I just figured it out.
Its pretty simple.
You just have the export the pack from sublab then import it in the XL version,

Yup, you just export from SubLab and import into XL.

We’ll put together a quick tip soon showing exactly how to do it.

I would like to do the same thing, but I am unable to open SubLab…I tried last beta but it just wont open in Pro tools 2023.6/Ventura.
I started another thread but didn’t see this one…Can anybody help with a zip of the originals? :slight_smile:

Are you running the latest M1 version?

Let me get a zip with the original presets together for download…


Hey there :wave:

Could you try launching the SubLab standalone and exporting there?