Cirlce subpreset problem

Hello everyone, this problem may violate your presets!

Version 2.2.0

  1. When selecting a sub-preset of the module (modifier modules and master effects), it is impossible to save further change in the module and save all as the current synthesizer setting. After restarting the synthesizer preset, the module setup returns to the sub-preset.

  2. When deleting the selected sub-preset, the module settings become default after restarting the synthesizer preset.

  3. With the name of sub-presets of different modules in the same way, the previous saved sub-preset is deleted. This is displayed in the synthesizer only after the program is restarted.

Thanks for attention

Hey @Alan, I’ve open up a ticket for this and will have a look.

Thanks for the help!

Hi Gavin, I found out about beta testing, can I try it?

We’re working away here Adam, will get back when the circle2 beta is ready to test.