Hey there, I keep running into this very frustrating issue every time I try to import my own samples in SubLab. I stopped using SubLab because of this issue.
As soon as I import a sample, I save it, but even then, it could never seem to locate it and I’m forced to keep having to reimport it.
I’m on a MacBook Pro 10.13.6 running Logic Pro X 10.4.4 and my SubLab is 1.1.3
Attached is a pic of what my SubLab folder looks like.
Please let me know how to go about this situation.
First, welcome to the forum and sorry that you’re having hassle.
When you import a sample, it will copy it into /Samples/Imported/, if you don’t have this folder then something is stopping the copying.
Can you open /Samples/ and check if it contains an imported folder?
hey Gavin, thank you for your swift reply.
I checked the samples folder and it is indeed missing an ‘imported’ folder.
What can I do to rectify this? Simply create an imported folder or question of an update?
thank you,
The folder should be created automatically, but what can happen is that other softwares can overwrite the permission on the folder or the account you’re logged may not have write permissions.
What I would do is create the folder “imported” and then try dragging a sample into SubLab, then check and see if it is copied in.
If it still isn’t copying, ctrl-click on “Imported” and check if you have “read & write” under “Sharing & Permissions”