SubLab XL not compatible with mac OS 15 beta (sequoia)

It seems the new mac OS beta is having the same problem ventura did. its asking to log in then wont let me launch as it prompts me to do. i’ve already tried uninstalling and reinstalling as well as restarting my mac mini and my mac book pro. What can i do?

Hey there, it sounds like you’re already installing/trying to activate the latest version 1.0.4 - correct?

I haven’t had a chance to try out the Sequoia beta yet, but it sounds like Apple have introduced new permissions which we’ll have to take a look at. In the meantime, I don’t think there’s much you can do unfortunately.

Happening here too. Frustrating but not surprising. Am hoping we see a fix soon (I use XL a lot). For what it’s worth, all my other (many) 3rd-party plugins are working fine.

The price we pay for running OS betas (so am not complaining, just discussing).

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Yeah sorry guys :disappointed: it’s a bummer for sure. I will bring this to the attention of the developers and hopefully we can get a beta together for you soon.

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ready for that beta! the plugin i am using as a temp replacement is no sublabXL… :pensive:

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Yeah same here and I can’t export any beats with the plugin loaded either because the presets won’t load lol. I hope they fix the issue as more betas come out. Since my first initial post they came out with Mac OS 15 beta 2 so hopefully it’ll be easier to work on the issue.

any news? i just finished a remix and used a different bass plugin… and it was not XL.

FAW sorted out this same issue (no response to the "Launch!’ button) during previous OS updates and/or XL betas, so hope it’s an easy enough fix… and happens soon :pray::smiling_face:

Yes it’s on our to do list :pray: please hang tight and we’ll keep you updated :pray:

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Same problem here hopefully you can get this fixed soon

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Same problem with me - cant activate, no presets, cant import packs