Hey man, I can’t open Subtab; it crashes Ableton 12. I’m using M1 Pro and OS Sequoia. Also with XL, it activated but asked me to put the keygen again and again, plus i can’t see any preset, and I can load any! can you please help me with it? frustrating
We’ve got the beta installers for SubLab XL here: https://community.futureaudioworkshop.com/t/sublab-xl-not-compatible-with-mac-os-15-beta-sequoia/1992/77
The beta for SubLab is on the way.
any update? really frustrating
Hey @xanny, can you try opening the SubLab XL standalone app?
When it’s open, are you able to click through Settings > Activation and also the About tabs? Could you take a screenshot of both and post here?
That’s sorted, I can’t use sublab, XL already fixed with the new update
Okay got it. Could you launch the SubLab standalone app and click the “sublab” icon in the top left corner to see this page?
that’s the thing, I can’t open it, and it crashes
Hey Xanny,
Have you tried the latest version of SubLab available here:
Also, does it crash during activation and you bought it from Plugin Boutique?
If so make sure that you follow step 7 here:
hey mate, it’s not the XL i m having trouble with, it’s just the basic sublab