Error Message when trying to load new SubXl folder in SubLab

Getting error message when attempting to import Drill Sub XL and Hit DNA XL into my Sublab. Error message reads: We were not able to import the pack. Seems that sublab_pack.xml is missing. Try again or contact support.

Hey @nigmarod,

I think what is up is that you are trying to install Sublab XL pack into SubLab? Please let me know if this is case.


To be fair, the file selection dialog for importing packs into Sublab shows that it can accept *.subxlpacks

Screenshot from Sublab 1.1.9 vst3 in fl21 on win10

Ok, that is something I wasn’t expecting…but yes you are correct! Good catch and we have created a bug to fix this in an update. I hope it didn’t cause too much hassle for you.
