When will there be a updated SubLab windows 10 release that is NOT in beta.
Gavin will be great if you can work also at the installer and give us the option of what to install!
@Aleko…I’ll have a look. Will check if the installer package maker we use has this option
We’re doing a new build here, will send it out when it is ready. We’ve implement pitch bend range and also bpm setting for standalone mode.
yep… got it, installed and despite your promise in the beta1 format, the mac standalone did resize once again…and reset fl sequencer mode. (for completeness, the windows standalone retains the size and fl sequencer mode state and did in beta 1 too)
Huge Sigh.
Works perfect on Nuendo 11 Mac OS 10.14.6
Ok let me check this out now @zvenx
Installed the beta 2 on windows 11 (yes I have upgraded to 11 this week).
- definitely works on windows 11
- still the glitch issue when opening the GUI as Ableton Live is playing (it s not blocking, just bothering)
- an issue I have already mentioned in the previous release 1.1.5 that is still there, When you install the standalone app, the icon picture is wrong (pointing to something that looks like the folder used by the developer) and you need to manually re-assign the right file to get the SubLab icon.
that’s all folks for the moment
Wanted to chime in that I’m using the SubLab 1.1.7 Beta 3 on my Apple Mac Pro (2019) (can’t wait to viably upgrade to Apple Silicon) running in Ableton Live 11 on newest macOS Monterey. I upgraded successfully, and I have nothing unusual to report at this time. I appreciate being included on this beta.
Added feature to set the bend amount (new in beta 2)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this. It makes SubLab a lot more melodically controllable when doing pitched drops. A couple requests:
(1) Can bend range please allow independent semitones in each direction? So for example, you could have -24 and +2. This would make it easier to drop the bass really down low, then pitch it up a bit to add some more subtle variation in that direction. I know synths that have this are relatively rare, but it adds value.
(2) Can max. bend range please be extended to +/- 48 semitones? This allows for some really extreme effects, and works better on MPE controllers (even though SubLab isn’t MPE per se) with glidable octaves like the ROLI Seaboard.
@Gavin_FAW is 1.1.7 R436 latest version?
sorry for being off topic: do you also have a circle 2 native m1 beta version? thank you
@Aleko will have a look at circle2 soon for sure. Just need to get it SubLab done first
Ok, we have the icon issue on the list also @ChristopheLambert …loving the pointing cross-faced cartoon
yep bugs are neither fun nor kind. so i try to find ways to make them a bit more fun
Thank you for pitch bend amount!!!
Can I suggest you make it 48ST max rather than 24ST? MPE devices like the Seaboard all use 48ST as the default. With this final tweak, SubLab will FLY on MPE devices. Can say without question it’ll immediately become the go-to for creating bass on those devices.
Ok, we’ll update to 48 st
Did you guys ever fix the error issue in MASCHINE!!!
Did you guys ever fix the error issue in MASCHINE!!!
We’re looking into it, please keep an eye on this beta testing thread here for updates.
@Ferro I’m glad we both see the value in +/- 48 semitones! Thank you @Gavin_FAW