hi there!
just purchased SubLab and have two issues so far:
- everything sounds like a high pitched sine wave, even all the presets. i can eventually tweak to get rid of this, but it shouldn’t be sounding like that for all the presets, no?
audio sample of this issue: https://soundcloud.com/jessewarren/sublab-sine-wave/s-UTp8bsm9SD5
- the plug-in is/was not responding to midi notes - instead it plays all notes at the same root note. then all of a sudden it started responding…and now it will respond to presets, but not my own sub creation. every note sounds the same…
audio sample of this issue: https://soundcloud.com/jessewarren/sublab-midi-problem/s-FsSe77QneyF
sorry if these are rookie mistakes of some sort. thx a lot for your help!
here’s a screenshot of what the plugin looks like when using the Cheeky 808 preset: