Sublab XL not dowloading

Sublab XL not working. I have a PC and have Windows 10 pro installed. System type is a 64-bit operating system and using Cakewalk (most up to date version). When I have tried to download the program it comes up as a Notepad and this is what I get:

PK  µJV4@Óà<²kG SublabXL-Installer-v1.0.4.exe¼:mpSWvWOÏ–,˶l‹¬“°E‘˜²›] _2–

Can anyone help?

Are you getting that when you’re just trying to run the installer?

Hello. Yes, that is correct. After I download and open file it comes up as a notepad.

Is there any help on this specific issue available?

If the downloaded File is an exe File, it shouldn’t open in Notepad. As the text says: SublabXL-Installer-v1.0.4.exe that’s what the downloaded File should be named. Maybe you are using any Kind of Download Manager, which is creating a temporary File you’re trying to open. But it doesn’t look like you have downloaded an Executable File/Installer. Or something in your System is configured wrong, so that it is trying to open an exe File with Notepad, which of course is not going to work.

Hello, I was able to get some help from Microsoft support. I am all set now. Thank you!


Hey there,

Okay, glad to hear that you were able to get up and running :pray: hope you enjoy SubLab XL!

Take care,